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时间:2024-01-09  阅读:

讲座题目:Beyond Lost Earnings: Job Displacement and the Cost of Commuting(超越收入损失:工作岗位流失与通勤成本)

主讲人:段伊戈 英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)




This paper studies the scarring effect of job displacement on workers' commuting costs to subsequent jobs. Using matched German employee-employer data, geo-coordinates of workers' residences and workplaces, and a matched event study design, we estimate the response of workers' commuting distances to job displacement in mass layoffs. After displacement, workers take up jobs that require 21 percent longer commuting, and the effect persists in the subsequent 10 years. To quantify the monetary value of increased commuting, we develop an on-the-job search model and structurally estimate workers' willingness to pay to avoid commuting. The extra commuting cost amounts to one-fifth of the wage losses facing displaced workers, thereby exacerbating the total cost of job displacement.



段伊戈,英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)经济学院博士候选人。研究领域包含劳动经济学、城市经济学以及公共经济学,研究方向聚焦劳动力流动性,劳动力市场的空间关系,产业政策等。研究成果发表于Management Science。